
Jul 18, 2013

Roger Read, Akron ’63 Wins Raymond L. Gardner Alumnus of the Year Award

The Scroll News
Roger Read, Akron ’63 Wins Raymond L. Gardner Alumnus of the Year Award

On Tuesday, July 16, Executive Vice President Bob Biggs in a surprise announcement shared with Brother Roger T. Read, Akron ’63 the news that he had recently been named the 2013 Raymond L. Gardner Alumnus of the Year Award recipient. Others who participated in the announcement were Brother Read’s wife, Judy and other members from the Ohio Epsilon Chapter.

The formal presentation of the award will occur later this year with members of the Northeast Ohio Alumni Club and students from the Ohio Epsilon Chapter. The Raymond L. Gardner Award is given annually to the Phi alumnus considered by the Gardner Award Committee to have made the most significant contribution in three areas: Fraternity service, service to higher education, and community involvement. The award was originated by the Seattle Alumni Club in memory of Raymond L. Gardner, Washington ‘18.

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