
Oct 30, 2013

Phi Delta Theta Installs Pennsylvania Rho At Carnegie Mellon University

The Scroll News
Phi Delta Theta Installs Pennsylvania Rho At Carnegie Mellon University


On October 24, 2013, the brothers of the Pennsylvania Rho Colony at Carnegie Mellon University began the process of becoming an official Phi Delta Theta chapter. The colony had many high points but also faced many challenges leading up to becoming an official chapter. The hard work and dedication that the colony displayed paid off as the Pennsylvania Rho Colony became a chapter with more than 50 fine gentlemen.

Installation weekend started with a meeting with Phi Delta Theta’s Director of Expansion DeMarkco Butler and Northeast Leadership Consultant Rick Goughneour to discuss the weekend’s events. The two members of General Headquarters brought the colony members together for what was one of the last nights that they would share as a colony. Both DeMarkco and Rick left the colony members eager to find out what would happen during the rest of the weekend.

On October 25, initiation night, the colony members met at the Phi Delt house, a property that the colony has acquired during their time on campus. During the evening, the colony members were initiated into Phi Delta Theta. They swore to follow the tenets of Phi Delta Theta and learned about the unwritten secrets of the organization.

The installation ceremony on Saturday, October 26 was held at Phipps Conservatory. There, General Council Member at Large Chris Brussalis presented Pennsylvania Rho with its charter. Other guests of honor included Upsilon South Province President Jordan Pallitto, House Corporation Board member Daniel Demarco, Chapter Advisory Board Chairman Chuck Reynolds and the advisory board and Assistant Director for Greek Life Jesse Koch.

The weekend’s activities were a display of the hard work that each and every brother put in to making the colony a chapter. The Pennsylvania Rho Chapter still understands that there is room to grow, but with an outstanding group of gentlemen, the chapter will continue to succeed. The brothers will strive to follow the Cardinal Principles of the organization and are all proud to be Phis!

In accordance with Phi Delta Theta’s Strategic 10-Year Plan, Phi Delt 2020 and its growth initiative, Phi Delta Theta is currently executing expansion strategies that culminate in seven chapter installations annually and 200 chapters by 2018. The installation of Pennsylvania Rho was the sixth chapter installation of 2013, and the Fraternity currently has 173 active chapters and 10 colonies.

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