
Jul 9, 2019

Kansas Epsilon (Emporia State) Celebrates 50th Anniversary

The Scroll News
Kansas Epsilon (Emporia State) Celebrates 50th Anniversary

One hundred and twenty alumni and colony brothers returned to Emporia to celebrate five decades of an enduring brotherhood. The four living founders of the Beta Sigma Tau local fraternity were in attendance to meet the newest colony members, closing the circle of Kansas Epsilon history.

General Council Treasurer Moe Stephens attended to report on the General Fraternity at the ‘TODAY’ luncheon and to make congratulatory remarks and assist with Golden and Silver Legion Ceremonies at the concluding reunion banquet.

Sixteen brothers of a roster of 42 living and eligible received their Golden Legion pins. Over 50 alumni received their Silver Legion pins. The Ceremonies were the culminating features of a wonderful and rich reunion celebrating ‘Fraternity for Life.’

Also, part of the banquet program was the naming of 11 John Fursman III Outstanding Alumni of the Decades. One alumnus is typically named each year. One founding/charter brother, James Harris, was recognized posthumously. Two brothers who were initiated in each decade were named. John Fursman assisted in congratulating the honorees.

The six 2019-20 Sound Learning & Leadership Scholarship recipients were announced and presented plaques. Family members of two named memorial scholarships helped present plaques and congratulate the colony brothers. The six awards were for $1,000 each.

Other reunion highlights included a tour of the first chapter house, a Queen Ann Victorian being meticulously restored. The first house tour was followed by a gathering reception Friday evening. Early bird reunioneers enjoyed a Friday luncheon and an excursion bus-guided “Magical History Tour of Emporia.”

The Emporia Alumni Club founded in 1909 by Famous Phis William Allen White and Brock Pemberton hosted the celebration as an official Emporia State University reunion in coordination with the Office of Alumni Relations.

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