
Jan 28, 2020

Phi Delta Theta Establishes California Omega at Santa Clara University

The Scroll News
Phi Delta Theta Establishes California Omega at Santa Clara University

The California Omega Colony was formally inducted on January 25, 2020. Santa Clara University was a past staff-led expansion project that did not immediately reach the colonization requirements. However, the Founders kept moving onward and were committed to the vision of Phi Delta Theta. The now 25 Founders desire to redefine what it means to be a fraternity man at Santa Clara University. California Omega is cultivating a community among their members who hold each other accountable and motivate each other to become the greatest versions of themselves.

Greek Life is not currently supported by Santa Clara University; however, these men are determined to bring a positive university-tied experience to future students of Santa Clara. Colony President Robbie Nunes, a Political Science major, has led the exploration of working with the university as a student organization on campus.

Omicron Northwest Province President Mike Ogg worked tirelessly with the interest group to ensure they have the volunteer support necessary to develop a strong colony and receive their charter. Mike has gathered Phis from other chapters around the Bay Area to help support this group moving forward. “These men have a challenge in front of them; however, staying true to the values of Phi Delta Theta and recruiting men who want brotherhood and continued leadership development could make this group very successful in the years to come” Ogg stated.

The men of California Omega had a unique opportunity to be inducted as new members at Sonoma State University during the Northern California Province Retreat in front of nearly one hundred Phis from across the region.

“I’m so proud of these guys for pulling together and doing what we were not sure could be done. This group has already become very close and will only become closer on this next part of our journey. By focusing on changing the culture of our campus to recognize the strengths of Greek Life, the California Omega Colony strives to create an organization where all men are welcome to develop themselves and each other into the leaders they are destined to be,” said Colony President Robbie Nunes.

Please join us in congratulating the men of California Omega for accomplishing a major milestone in their pursuit of becoming a chapter of Phi Delta Theta Fraternity.

Located in the heart of Silicon Valley, Santa Clara University blends high-tech innovation with a social consciousness grounded in the Jesuit educational tradition. Santa Clara University is committed to leaving the world a better place. The University pursues new technology, encourages creativity, engages with its communities, and shares an entrepreneurial mindset. It is the University’s goal to help shape the next generation of leaders and global thinkers.

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